Aynur Aydeldinov: companies from all regions can take part in Kazan Venture Fair

10 March 2009, Tuesday

Head of Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan Aynur Aydeldinov – has told journalists today about preparation to Kazan Venture Fair to be held on 23-24 April, 2009, within the framework of traditional briefing in Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

He reminded that the event will be held the fourth time in joint cooperation with Russian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (RVCA).


According to Aydeldinov, the most part of participant applications will be formed before March 15, 2009. Later, Expert Commission will start thematic work on selection companies-exhibitors.


To participate in the 4th Kazan Venture Fair we would like to select projects of companies that deal with researches, engineering technologies, innovative production, information technologies, - said Aynur Aydeldinov.


Answering journalists’ questions, he stated that the Fair concept allows companies from all regions and countries participate in it.


Besides, Director of Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan informed that representatives of the second Russian Technological Tour will visit Kazan in September, 2009. The event is organized by European Association “TechTour”. It is assumed that prospect investors in the field of perspective fields of IT-industry will visit the capital of Tatarstan. Presentation of Tatarstan innovative potential for the companies – world players of IT-industry, which are a part of “TechTour”, is going to be held on the territory of new IT-park in Kazan.


Aynur Aydeldinov informed briefing participants that last year about 700 people have sent their applications to participate in the Fair. The Contest selection was performed among more than 120 companies from 14 cities throughout Russia and Tatarstan. Director of Investment and Venture Fund of the RT believes that this year number of participants will be at least the same. He also said that organization of the event proceeds at full speed.


Aynur Aydeldinov informed that Venture Fair is an event that is undoubtedly interesting for specialists in the sector of technological innovations and for experts of private equity and venture capital market. In fact, it represents communication platform, where management of innovation companies of small and middle capitalization demonstrates its business to prospective investors. Thus, the Fair gathers all the interested parties: enterprises from innovation technology sector,   Russian and foreign private investors, venture funds and private equity funds, banking and other investment institutions, technological mediators. In one place and at a time, they have an opportunity both to build immediate business contacts, and to exchange their experience, as well as to discuss the latest trends of development in this sector together with colleagues, and representatives of governmental bodies on federal and regional levels.


History of Venture Fairs organization in the Republic of Tatarstan dates back to 2005. It was the Year of Kazan 1000th anniversary celebration, when the First Regional Venture Fair was held in Kazan. It was organized by the Russian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and Innovative Technopark “Idea”.


The First Fair demonstrated high level of interest by venture investors to perspective developments of Tatarstan scientists, and the decision to conduct events of a kind every two years was made. The Second Regional Venture Fair was conducted in summer 2007. Participants of the Fair became: Representatives of Russian and Foreign Venture Funds, strategic and private investors, representatives of large corporations, specialists of investment companies and banks from foreign countries.    

One of the results of the Fair was signing of Memorandum of Understanding between Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and Russian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, aimed at development of venture financing system and innovation business support. Another positive moment of the Fair was its recognition as the Event of Regional format: now “Kazan Venture Fair” will be performed annually.

In 2008, the 3rd Kazan Venture Fair was held.That time, in the candidate selection took part 120 companies from 14 cities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, representing perspective industrial fields.

Representatives of Russian and foreign venture and private equity funds, representatives of strategic and private investors, ”business-angels”, large corporations, specialists of investment companies and banks, legal and consulting organizations, employees of target Ministries and Departments of Federal and Regional levels are invited to work at the 4th Kazan Venture Fair.


Thus, volume of sales and life period of the company are not taken into consideration. The key point is that the company’s management should be ambitious about “explosive” business development and interested in investments with the purpose of implementation. The object for presentation within the Fair is not a particular product, but a business overall. Consequently, the training programs are focused on the issues of market, management and financial forecasts.


Within the framework of the 4th Kazan Venture Fair participation of the following figures is planned: representatives of regional and federal structures, involved in development and realization of events on support of small and medium-sized businesses, in setting state policy on investments attraction to the field of science-intensive business. Participation of Russian and international financial organizations, institutional investors and representatives of business communities, which are interested in investments placement and setting business connections with partners from Tatarstan, is also planned.


It must be stressed that participants of the 4th Kazan Venture Fair will get an opportunity to take part in workshop on entrepreneurship development on the field of technologies, under the guidance of Program for Development of Partnership of CRDF (US Civilian Research and Development Foundation).

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