CRDF and IVF RT inform on performing special program on entrepreneurship development in the field of innovation technologies within the framework of the 4th Kazan Venture Fair

6 March 2009, Friday

Three winners of the Program will receive right for the grant in amount of 10 000 US Dollars. This grant will give an opportunity to Tatarstan businessmen to travel to the USA with a view of participation in already planned meetings with potential partners, investors and services suppliers.


Selected participants of the seminar will be able to use preliminary consultations and support of experts in correcting their business-plans and presentations. After seminar termination, the Contest of business-plan participants will be held, which will be organized within the framework of Tatarstan Venture Forum under support of RVCA, IVFRT, Federal Agency on Science and Innovations and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Each of 12-15 selected seminar participants will receive market potential evaluation of its technology, valuable information on opportunities to access the market and necessary data on prospect service suppliers, investors and partners.


Key objectives of the seminar are aimed at doing the following:


1.                Raise competitiveness of Russian businessmen by means of expert evaluation of their business-plans and through organizing individual consultations on the issues of business development by American and Russian industrial experts and investors.


2.                Assist in development and business promotion on Russian and International market, by giving seminar participants opportunity to build up contacts with prospect investors, partners and experts in the field of business development.


3.                Support skilled seminar participants in getting access to resources, which assist in exit on high competitive American market.




  1. Participants of practical seminars PDP will raise competitiveness and efficiency of their projects and presentations, due to target survey of their business plans and consultations by American business experts, and experienced mentors in the field of entrepreneurship.     
  2. Participants of practical seminars PDP will receive information and useful recommendations on resources, required for establishing and business development.  
  3. Participants of practical seminars PDP will get to know efficient strategies on presentations creation and communications setting, compliance with business etiquette of western pattern and other important aspects of business dealing in the USA.
  4. Participants of practical seminars PDP will get to know about different ways of technologies commercialization, used in the USA.
  5. Participants of practical seminars PDP, which will express their readiness and willingness to enter American market, will get valuable information on possibility to access market and required data on prospect partners, investors, and services suppliers.
  6. Seminar participants, selected by Expert Council, based on developed criteria, will get an opportunity to participate in grant competition to enter the market, presented by IVFRT, FASIE and CRDF to support first USA visit, aimed at meeting with prospect partners and/or investors. CRDF contribution will be performed in the form of CRDF employers participation in the project of business development.



Those bonuses are available only to companies-winners of CRDF Selecting Contest.



To participate in the Program You should fill in “Participant Application” and “Executive Summary” (attached files) before March 14, 2009, and send it to the following email:



Participant Application


Executive Summary


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